Friday, October 21, 2016

Week 69 - The Saltillo Office Revolution!

 Jeffrey and Elder Lopez eating sushi - Jeffrey says..."not my favorite, but my companion wanted it!"
 Jeffrey and Elder Lopez always on the phone.  "#secretarylife" 
 Random guy on the street who lives in Kent, Washington
 Yep...secretary life.  Canceling bus tickets...almost midnight.
 Just in case you didn't see the time in the first picture...
Birthday celebration for Elder Lopez and Elder Robinson

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you are all doing well! Elder Lopez and I are doing really well! We are really enjoying our time in the offices and we are calling our time here together in the offices, ''The Saltillo Office Revolution''. Turns out, little by little, the offices have become rather unorganized and we have taken it upon ourselves to organize the offices and make everything run smoothly. For the past months or even years, the mission has been missing some important email accounts and computer programs. We have also been accidentally paying for the bus tickets of the Mexico, Monterrey West mission on a few occasions and the houses in the mission are generally suffering vital items including quality mattresses and hot water heaters. However, we are up to the challenge and excited to help the offices and the mission be in top shape by Christmas! Our goal is to help revolutionize the offices and make the mission be as best as possible!
I had a random experience this week.  Elder Lopez and I were returning to our house after a lesson and this guy said hi to us and wanted to talk to us in the street. So we went over to him to meet him. He told us he was a returned missionary that served in Argentina and that he now lives in KENT, WASHINGTON and is studying and working. He was born in Saltillo but lives super close to my family in Washington!  How cool!! 
I am truly thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and serve the wonderful people of Mexico. I truly love the people and work every day so they can be more happy through the teachings of Jesus Christ! I know He lives and that He loves us! I know that if we show our love to the Lord by serving others and following His commandments, we are truly happier! 

All the best, 
Elder Shipley 

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